Plate 26

Plate 26

Atrophic paresis of the right leg resulting from poliomyelitis lumbalis anterior infantilis circumscript.

19 year old journeyman tailor, who when out on a stroll in his 12th year became siezed by a violent ague without any other prevenient symptoms. Soon thereafter a high grade debility in the right leg, this escalating to full palsy during one of the subsequent 14 weeks of sickbed. With the following years came gradual improvement of the condition, such that patient can once again use his leg and is able to move himself about without a cane.

The picture shows the high grade atrophy of the muscles and of the fatty tissue of the right leg. The (conditional to the inhibited bone growth) shortening of the extremity is counter balanced by a subsiding in the pelvis. The right tenon reflex extinguished, left normal, senses completely unaltered.

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