Du torticolis.

Broca, Pierre-Paul, 1824-1880.

Journal : Revue photographique des hôpitaux de Paris ; vol. 4.

Paris : Adrien Delahaye, 1872.

Description : [3 l. pl.], 65-70 p. ; ill.: 3 phot. ; 24.5 cm.

Photographs : 3 mounted albumens, front, side and back views of the clinical subject.

Subject : Neck — Deformities.

Notes :

Chez notre malade, il n'y a évidemment pas de paralysie. La tête est déviée à gauche (voy. Planche VI); le sterno-mastoïdien du côté droit est sain; le malade peut le contracter, et porter légèrement la tête vers le côté droit, bien que ce mouvement soit très-limité.—Page 66.

D'ailleurs, si j'examine le malade avec attention, j vois que le sterno-mastoïdien est le seul agent que je puisse invoquer. (Voyez Planche VII).—Page 67.

La colonne vertébrale est convexe à droite dans la région cervicale, et convexe à gauche dans la région dorsale (courbure de compensation). (Voy. Planche VIII).—Page 67.

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The photographs, incorporated with Broca's words, are breath taking. The three full plate images represent front, side, and back views of a 31 year-old male subject with idiopathic rotational collis acquired in late childhood and presenting as permanent contracture isolated in the left sternocleidomastoid muscle. He is portrayed in an upright position from mid-torso up and his bed linen is pulled tight around his body. The horizontal folds of the cloth contrast against the muscular forces that skew his neck, head and face and this effect is heightened by the patient's shaved head. The first part of the paper transcribes Broca's argument for why the patient was a good candidate to undergo sectioning of his sterno-mastoid. The second half of the paper reports the excellent results of the operation, followed by Broca's exposition on deformations of the face and skull caused by torticollis. Other physicians would stop here, but Broca exposits further on contralateral signs of defective brain function that were exhibited by his subject and that Broca associated with the torticollis.

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