Sanitäts-Bericht über die Deutschen Heere im Kriege gegen Frankreich 1870/71.

Königlich Preussischen Kriegsministeriums.

Berlin : Ernst Siegfried Mittler und Sohn, 1884-1891.

Description : 9 vol. in 8 ; ill.: litho- & photographic plates, maps, tables, plans, in-text figs. ; 29 cm.

Photographs : numerous collotypes (Lichtdruck) and photoengravings on printed leaves.

Photographer : Albert Christoph Frisch (1840-1918).

Subject : War injuries and disease — Military medicine ; Franco-Prussian war (1870–71).

Notes :



Collective eight volumes of medical and surgical reports from the 1870 Franco-Prussian War, published by the Prussian Kriegsministerium; there are three parts to volume 3–one general and two specialty–so ten tomes in total are in the set. The volumes were not compiled or issued in chronological order. Excluding the volume 8 index, the categories of the set comprise: I. Administrative (vol. 1), II. Statistics (vol. 2), III. Surgical (vols. 3-5), and IV Medical (vols. 6 & 7). Photographs illustrate the surgical volumes 3, 4, and medical volume 7–five tomes altogether.

Volume 3, the first surgical volume part IIIA, a compendium volume, was published last and is titled, "Die Verwundungen durch Kriegswaffen bei den Deutschen Heeren im Kriege gegen Frankreich 1870/71." It is a remarkable work for its state of the art half-tone photographs of 26 soldiers (Taf. 26-53), all but 4 imaged with front, side and/or back views of lower extremity wounds. The plates are captioned with case and page numbers linking the soldiers to their histories in the text. The first 25 plates are photographed drawings of specimens. Includes a noteworthy bibliography on transfusion and infusion at the end of the book. An extract including the plates was also published, titled, "v. Volkmann'sche Sammlung kriegschirurgischer Praparate, Abbildungen und Krankengeschichten aus dem Kriege 1870/71" (1890, p. 351-481: »»).

Volume 3, the two tome "Spezieller" section of surgical Part IIIA is illustrated by 3 collotypes in the first tome, titled, "Verwundungen des Kopfes und Rumpfes," and 4 collotypes in the second tome, titled, "Verwundungen der Gliedmaassen." An offprint from the former was issued titled, "Die Verwundungen der Augen bei den Deutschen Heeren im Kriege gegen Frankreich 1870/71" (1888, p. 158-267: »»).

Volume 4, Part IIIB of the surgical section is titled, "Die physikalische Wirkung der Geschosse, erläutert an den Präparaten der kriegs-chirurgischen Sammlung des medizinisch-chirurg," and is illustrated by 56 plates of photolithographs, all bone preparations showing evidence of wound trauma.

Volume 7, Part IVB of the medical section is illustrated by one collotype for a chapter titled, "VII. Progressive Muskelatrophie–Wahre und falsche Muskelhypertrophie." Three views of the clinical subject are provided, front & back closeups, and a distant back view with his arms propped up, representing bilateral muscular atrophy and pronounced neuropathy in his right torso and arm. The lead author was Dr. Franz Stricker (1842-1907) and the case was first reported by Dr. Eduard Hitzig (1838–1907) in volume IV of Verhandlungen der Berliner Medizinischen Gesellschaft (1873: »» ; NLM-10404451290).

The photographer Albert Frisch trained in photo-mechanical processes under Josef Albert and established his own firm in 1872. He is credited with the first photographs of the Amazon and its indigenous people, taken during the Franz Keller-Leuzinger (1835-1890) Expedition of 1867. Ninety-eight of his glass plate negatives were published in an album titled, "Résultat d’une expédition photographique sur le Solimões ou Alto Amazonas et Rio Negro" (Rio de Janeiro: Georg Leuzinger, 1869: »»).

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